We just released new product features for our range of tagging services for property (utagg.it) , pets (petsare.us) , and the upcoming DICE (Dynamic In-Case of - Emergency) Tags. If you own any of our products for property and pet tagging (i.e. bag tags, QR code stickers, and iron-ons), you automatically get these features in your account. For those who are wondering what we are talking about, sign-up to the service at (utagg.it and petsare.us) and take it for a spin.
So, what did we add? In a nutshell, we intend to deliver more conveniences and better user experiences. Imagine being able to check your account status at a glance and being able to change ALERT settings with a few clicks instead of typing long strings of characters to change your data especially in moments when you need help in getting back your lost item or pet.
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Kontakme recently launched a beta version of its Utaggit (TM) service. A service that can turn any writable luggage tag into an interactive bag tag. The beta service is available to all Kontakme users and to whoever wants to "test drive" the service.
The future of bag tags and property tagging, NFC adds to the convenience of reading bag tags.
A Utaggit enabled bag tag can tell the finder on how and where to return the lost and found property to the rightful owner.
Internet access is required.
About Us
Kontakme is a New York based online service for easily creating universal digital business cards, scannable business cards, simplified property tags, and pet tags. We work with other great companies to create other solutions like the Contact Link Plus , a tap-to-share business card. We also have the Contact Link Bleu, a bluetooth beacon that acts as a wireless business card which you can use to broadcast to multiple smartphone users in a limited geographic area.
We are focused on bringing our core service called the ContactLink into mainstream use and we have built a complete portfolio of products and services that promises to make it easier to share, memorize, save, and manage contact information economically.
Kontakme is a servicemark of Kontakme LLC.
The Eternity Business Card, Contact Link Plus, ContactLink, Contact Link BLEU, and BLEU Kloud Services are trademarks of Kontakme LLC.
The domain names kontak.me, kontak.us, utagg.it and petsare.us are registered to Kontakme LLC. For integration with your existing website or domain name, please contact us.
Use the infinity symbol ( ∞ ) to advertise your contact link. See our marketing guide for details.
Enterprise Integration
Kontakme can be deployed in companies with large number of sales and marketing personnel. Contact us for integration details.
Partners and Affiliate Programs
Kontakme LLC is looking for partnerships with companies currently in the following industry:
• Ad Agency business
• Marketing Communications
• NFC Production and Distribution
• Business Cards Production
• Web Site Development
• Name Tags, Business Tags and Pet Tags manufacturing
Please contact us if you are interested.
We accept payments via credit cards and PayPal accounts.
Email us: info@kontak.me
Contact Information
Jonee Pabiania
Founder and CEO
Remember my contact link ∞ : kontak.me/jonee
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