Kontakme Launches Kloud Master - A Powerful Endorsement and Listing Platform

Introducing Kloud Master: Transforming Content Curation with Kontakme

Kontakme, a leader in Universal Contact Information services, is excited to unveil Kloud Master, an innovative feature of the Kontakme Digital Business Card. Designed to empower individuals and organizations alike, Kloud Master simplifies the way we curate and share content, turning users into influential endorsers with just a few clicks.

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Introducing DICE: The Dynamic In-Case-of-Emergency Tag

Mommy enjoying the moment in the middle of the street
Let's create an environment where the vulnerable members of our community can continue to explore their environment in relative safety.

In today's fast-paced world, ensuring the safety and well-being of our loved ones, especially those who are vulnerable, is more important than ever. Whether it's a person with dementia, a child with autism, or a young child who may wander off, we need tools that can help reconnect them with their guardians quickly and efficiently. That’s where our new product comes in: the Dynamic In-Case-of-Emergency Tag (DICE).

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Effortless Digital Business Card Rollout Across Multinational Organizations

I'm so excited to announce the new features that we have added to our Digital Business Card Solutions in particular to our KloudTM service. It's now a full blown enterprise grade service where our clients can have it customized however they want to make sure it fits their business activities and branding. But, before I go into details, let me share a short history of why we needed to upgrade a perfectly working self-service platform. 

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Kontakme Launches QR Coded Bag Tags Under Its Utagg.it Brand

We are happy to release our QR coded bag tags under our Utaggit (You-Tag-It) Smart Tagging Service. With our QR coded bag tags, we are bringing additional conveniences in the travel and property tagging industry. I am personally excited to introduce this as the travel industry is picking up again after the pandemic. Hopefully, this product will help travelers as well as the airline companies and airports cope with the baggage handling woes that is now frequently happening. The tags can of course be used anywhere else you can attached it and declare as a returnable property. 

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  • About Kontakme

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    About Us
    Kontakme is a New York based online service for easily creating universal digital business cards, scannable business cards, simplified property tags, and pet tags. We work with other great companies to create other solutions like the Contact Link Plus , a tap-to-share business card. We also have the Contact Link Bleu, a bluetooth beacon that acts as a wireless business card which you can use to broadcast to multiple smartphone users in a limited geographic area.

    We are focused on bringing our core service called the ContactLink into mainstream use and we have built a complete portfolio of products and services that promises to make it easier to share, memorize, save, and manage contact information economically.

    Kontakme is a servicemark of Kontakme LLC.

    The Eternity Business Card, Contact Link Plus, ContactLink, Contact Link BLEU, and BLEU Kloud Services are trademarks of Kontakme LLC.

    The domain names kontak.me, kontak.us, utagg.it and petsare.us are registered to Kontakme LLC. For integration with your existing website or domain name, please contact us.

    Use the infinity symbol ( ∞ ) to advertise your contact link. See our marketing guide for details.

    Enterprise Integration
    Kontakme can be deployed in companies with large number of sales and marketing personnel. Contact us for integration details.

    Partners and Affiliate Programs
    Kontakme LLC is looking for partnerships with companies currently in the following industry:
    • Ad Agency business
    • Marketing Communications
    • NFC Production and Distribution
    • Business Cards Production
    • Web Site Development
    • Name Tags, Business Tags and Pet Tags manufacturing
    Please contact us if you are interested.

    We accept payments via credit cards and PayPal accounts.

    Follow Us

    Email us: info@kontak.me

    Contact Information

    Jonee Pabiania
    Founder and CEO
    Remember my contact link ∞ : kontak.me/jonee

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